
Note: This is no longer the current timetable

247: Barkingside to Romford Daily

Timetable from 22nd July 2002

The whole of this service operates within Pass Zone 4(5,6)

Mondays to Fridays - Saturdays - Sundays - Times towards Barkingside

Mondays to Fridays

Barkingside Stn Tanners Ln 06:05 06:25 06:45 07:00 07:10 07:20   18:20 18:32 18:44 18:55 19:10 19:25 19:40 19:55   15
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 06:08 06:28 06:48 07:03 07:13 07:23   18:24 18:36 18:47 18:58 19:13 19:28 19:43 19:58   18
Hainault Station 06:12 06:32 06:52 07:07 07:17 07:28 Then 18:29 18:41 18:52 19:04 19:18 19:33 19:48 20:02   22
Hainault Forest Old Hnlt Oak 06:17 06:37 06:57 07:12 07:22 07:33 about 18:35 18:46 18:57 19:08 19:23 19:38 19:53 20:07 Then 27
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 06:21 06:41 07:01 07:16 07:26 07:37 every 18:39 18:50 19:01 19:12 19:27 19:42 19:57 20:11 at 31
Collier Row Clockhuse Lane 06:25 06:45 07:05 07:20 07:30 07:42 10 18:44 18:54 19:05 19:16 19:31 19:46 20:01 20:15 these 35
North Street Bus Garage 06:31 06:51 07:11 07:26 07:37 07:49 mins 18:50 19:00 19:11 19:22 19:37 19:52 20:07 20:21 mins 41
Romford Market 06:34 06:54 07:14 07:29 07:41 07:53 until 18:53 19:03 19:14 19:25 19:40 19:55 20:10 20:24   44
Romford Station 06:36 06:56 07:16 07:31 07:45 07:57   18:55 19:05 19:16 19:27 19:42 19:57 20:12 20:26   46


Barkingside Stn Tanners Ln 35 55   23:55
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 38 58   23:58
Hainault Station 42 02   00:02
Hainault Forest Old Hnlt Oak 47 07 Past 00:07
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 51 11 each 00:11
Collier Row Clockhuse Lane 55 15 hour 00:15
North Street Bus Garage 01 21 until 00:21
Romford Market 04 24   00:24
Romford Station 06 26   00:26


Saturdays and Good Fridays

Barkingside Stn Tanners Ln 06:05   08:05 08:20 08:35   17:55 18:10 18:25 18:40 18:55   15 35 55   23:55
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 06:08   08:08 08:23 08:38   17:59 18:14 18:29 18:43 18:58   18 38 58   23:58
Hainault Station 06:12   08:12 08:27 08:42 Then 18:04 18:19 18:33 18:47 19:02   22 42 02   00:02
Hainault Forest Old Hnlt Oak 06:17 Then 08:17 08:32 08:47 about 18:09 18:24 18:38 18:52 19:07 Then 27 47 07 Past 00:07
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 06:21 every 08:21 08:36 09:51 every 18:13 18:28 18:42 18:56 19:11 at 31 51 11 each 00:11
Collier Row Clockhuse Lane 06:25 20 08:25 08:40 08:55 10 18:17 18:32 18:46 19:00 19:15 these 35 55 15 hour 00:15
North Street Bus Garage 06:31 mins 08:31 08:49 09:01 mins 18:23 18:38 18:52 19:06 19:21 mins 41 01 21 until 00:21
Romford Market 06:34 until 08:34 08:49 09:04 until 18:26 18:41 18:55 19:09 19:24   44 04 24   00:24
Romford Station 06:36   08:36 08:51 09:06   18:29 18:43 18:57 19:11 19:26   46 06 26   00:26


Sundays and Public Holidays (excluding Christmas Day and Boxing Day)

Barkingside Stn Tanners Ln 07:15   09:15 09:35   55 15 35   16:55 17:15   15 35 55   23:55
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 07:18   09:18 09:38   58 18 38   16:58 17:18   18 38 58   23:58
Hainault Station 07:22   09:22 09:42   02 22 42   17:02 17:22   22 42 02   00:02
Hainault Forest Old Hnlt Oak 07:27 Then 09:27 09:47 Then 07 27 47 Past 17:07 17:27 Then 27 47 07 Past 00:07
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 07:31 every 09:31 09:51 at 11 31 51 each 17:11 17:31 at 31 51 11 each 00:11
Collier Row Clockhuse Lane 07:35 20 09:35 09:57 these 17 37 57 hour 17:17 17:35 these 35 55 15 hour 00:15
North Street Bus Garage 07:41 mins 09:41 10:03 mins 23 43 03 until 17:23 17:41 mins 41 01 21 until 00:21
Romford Market 07:44 until 09:44 10:06   26 46 06   17:26 17:44   44 04 24   00:24
Romford Station 07:46   09:46 10:08   28 48 08   17:28 17:46   46 06 26   00:26


247: Romford to Barkingside Daily

Timetable from 22nd July 2002

The whole of this service operates within Pass Zone 4(5,6)

Mondays to Fridays - Saturdays - Sundays - Times towards Romford

Mondays to Fridays

Romford Station 05:45 06:05 06:25 06:37 06:47   18:11 18:22 18:35 18:49 19:03 19:19 19:35   55 15 35
Romford Market 05:47 06:07 06:27 06:39 06:49   18:15 18:26 18:37 18:52 19:06 19:22 19:37   57 17 37
Romford Parkside Hotel 05:49 06:09 06:29 06:41 06:51 Then 18:18 18:30 18:40 18:54 19:08 19:24 19:39   59 19 39
Collier Row Clockhouse Ln 05:55 06:15 06:35 06:47 06:57 about 18:25 18:36 18:46 19:00 19:14 19:30 19:45 Then 05 25 45
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 05:58 06:18 06:38 06:50 07:00 every 18:30 18:40 18:50 19:04 19:18 19:33 19:48 at 08 28 48
Hainault Forest Old Forest Oak 06:02 06:22 06:42 06:54 07:04 10 18:34 18:44 18:54 19:08 19:22 19:37 19:52 these 12 32 52
Hainault Station 06:07 06:27 06:47 06:59 07:09 mins 18:39 18:49 18:57 19:12 19:27 19:42 19:57 mins 17 37 57
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 06:12 06:32 06:52 07:04 07:15 until 18:45 18:55 19:05 19:19 19:33 19:47 20:02   22 42 02
Barkingside Stn Tanners Lane 06:15 06:35 06:55 07:07 07:19   18:48 18:58 19:08 19:22 19:36 19:50 20:05   25 45 05


Romford Station   23:35
Romford Market   23:37
Romford Parkside Hotel   23:39
Collier Row Clockhouse Ln Past 23:45
Marks Gate Roller Bowl each 23:48
Hainault Forest Old Forest Oak hour 23:52
Hainault Station until 23:57
Barkingside Fulwell Cross   00:02
Barkingside Stn Tanners Lane   00:05


Saturdays and Good Fridays

Romford Station 05:45   08:05 08:20 08:35 08:50 09:05   18:05 18:20 18:35 18:50 19:05 19:20 19:35
Romford Market 05:47   08:07 08:22 08:37 08:52 09:08   18:11 18:22 18:37 18:52 19:07 19:22 19:37
Romford Parkside Hotel 05:49   08:09 08:24 08:39 08:54 09:10 Then 18:14 18:24 18:39 18:54 19:09 19:24 19:39
Collier Row Clockhouse Ln 05:55 Then 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:16 about 18:20 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 05:58 every 08:18 08:33 08:48 09:04 09:20 every 18:23 18:33 18:48 19:03 19:18 19:33 19:48
Hainault Forest Old Forest Oak 06:02 20 08:22 08:37 08:52 09:08 09:24 10 18:27 18:37 18:52 19:07 19:22 19:37 19:52
Hainault Station 06:07 mins 08:27 08:42 08:57 09:13 09:29 mins 18:32 18:42 18:57 19:12 19:27 19:42 19:57
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 06:12 until 08:32 08:47 09:03 09:19 09:35 until 18:37 18:47 19:02 19:17 19:32 19:47 20:02
Barkingside Stn Tanners Lane 06:15   08:35 08:50 09:06 09:22 09:38   18:40 18:50 19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50 20:05


Romford Station   55 15 35   23:35
Romford Market   57 17 37   23:37
Romford Parkside Hotel   59 19 39   23:39
Collier Row Clockhouse Ln Then 05 25 45 Past 23:45
Marks Gate Roller Bowl at 08 28 48 each 23:48
Hainault Forest Old Forest Oak these 12 32 52 hour 23:52
Hainault Station mins 17 37 57 until 23:57
Barkingside Fulwell Cross   22 42 02   00:02
Barkingside Stn Tanners Lane   25 45 05   00:05


Sundays and Public Holidays (excluding Christmas Day and Boxing Day)

Romford Station 07:15   09:35 09:55   15 35 55   16:55 17:15 23:35   55 15 35   23:35
Romford Market 07:17   09:37 09:58   18 38 58   16:58 17:17 23:37   57 17 37   23:37
Romford Parkside Hotel 07:19   09:39 10:00   20 40 00   17:00 17:19 23:39   59 19 39   23:39
Collier Row Clockhouse Ln 07:25 Then 09:45 10:06 Then 26 46 06 Past 17:06 17:25 23:45 Then 05 25 45 Past 23:45
Marks Gate Roller Bowl 07:28 every 09:48 10:11 at 31 51 11 each 17:11 17:28 23:48 at 08 28 48 each 23:48
Hainault Forest Old Forest Oak 07:32 20 09:52 10:16 these 36 56 16 hour 17:16 17:32 23:52 these 12 32 52 hour 23:52
Hainault Station 07:37 mins 09:57 10:21 mins 41 01 21 until 17:21 17:37 23:57 mins 17 27 47 until 23:57
Barkingside Fulwell Cross 07:42 until 10:02 10:26   46 06 26   17:26 17:42 00:02   22 42 02   00:02
Barkingside Stn Tanners Lane 07:45   10:05 10:29   49 09 29   17:29 17:45 00:05   05 25 45   00:05


Operated by Stagecoach London for London Buses.


Note: This is no longer the current timetable